Safety Risk Assessment Software

Standardise and Document Safety Risk Assessments for Enhanced Safety & Productivity


Streamline and Standardise Risk Assessment Processes to Enhance Workplace Health and Safety

To foster safer work environments, site leaders must find a way to streamline the process of identifying, monitoring, and communicating enterprise-wide workplace risks. But many organisations struggle with manual processes that can delay the detection of risks—thus compromising the accuracy necessary to ensure both safety and compliance.

Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) is a single-interface safety risk assessment software that helps safety leaders establish a standardised, efficient process for authoring and reviewing safety risk assessments for all relevant work activities, build detailed task descriptions, and outline hazard mitigation for each SRA or Job Safety Analysis (JSA). Benchmark Gensuite’s Safety Risk Assessment Software empowers all employees with easy access to immediately view jobs or tasks that are performed across the site.

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Why Safety Risk Assessment for Your Risk Prevention & Safety Engagement Program?

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Standardise Risk Assessment Processes:

Conduct standardised safety risk assessments (JSAs) for each job task.

Simplify Access:

Centralise the location of safety risk assessments (SRAs) to provide access for all employees to search applicable SRAs.

Streamline Workflows:

Create a standardised review process and revision history for all risk assessments.

Consolidate Data Records:

Upload operational procedures and other supporting materials (file attachments, i.e., illustrations, SOPs, photos, and more).

Integrate Seamlessly:

Connect with the Training Management Suite to track employee sign-off on SRA reviews.

Learn how you can enhance accessibility, improve risk awareness, and boost safety with risk assessment software.

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Features & Benefits​

Easily Communicate Risks to Keep Employees Safe and Healthy

Standardise Workflows

Identify and monitor any hidden risks in a timely manner with a standardised process for authoring & reviewing SRAs for all relevant work activities.

Drive Progress on Safety Goals

Record and analyse risk scores for each task within an SRA, including the ability to define baseline and post-prevention risk scores.

Engage Employees in Safety

Centralise access to risk assessments, available in your employee’s preferred local language and via mobile, to enhance job-related knowledge and engagement.

Take Your Program to the Next Level with Advanced Tech & AI​

Our Risk Prevention & Safety Engagement solutions seamlessly integrate with these AI and advanced technologies to increase your insights and maximise your impact. 

PSI AI Advisor™

Automatically identify potentially serious incidents (PSIs) to provide clear, actionable insights for incident risk reduction.

Executive AI Advisor

Continuously monitor data streams to flag potentially serious occurrences & key risk precursors for unparalleled risk mitigation.

IoT & Wearables

Integrate wearables and IoT tech & devices with the Benchmark Gensuite platform for environmental & safety monitoring.

Electrical Risk Safety & Alerting Wristbands from Our Partners at Proxxi

Set a pre-defined threshold for this wearable wristband to detect contact with an electrical voltage. Automatically log an incident or near miss in your Benchmark Gensuite application and send automatic email notifications for follow up.

See What People are Saying

Unlock the Full Power of our Risk Prevention & Safety Engagement Solutions Suite

Join Our Over 3 Million Users Who Trust Our Risk Prevention & Safety Engagement Software

Holistic Risk Mitigation: Assess, prioritise, track, & manage risks across the enterprise.

Streamlined Engagement: Keep employees informed through unparalleled communication.

Accurate & Accessible Data: Continuously improve worksite safety with up-to-date risk-related reports.

Customised Safety Workflows: Develop customised procedures for all safety needs.